The Lorelei Signal
Edited by Carol Hightshoe

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Meet the artists whose work accompanies the stories appearing in The Lorelei Signal

Lee Ann Barlow resides in Littleton, Colorado near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. She is a Metropolitan State College of Denver student graduating with honors in Fall 2006 with an English B.A. degree in Creative Writing and Studio Art minor.
Visit her online portfolio:

Marge Ballif Simon free lances as a writer-poet-illustrator for genre and mainstream publications such as From the Asylum, Chizine, The Pedestal Magazine, Strange Horizons, Flashquake, Aeon, Vestal Review, Flash Me Magazine, more. She has three collections coming out in 2007: Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet with Charlee Jacob, Dark Regions Press, and self illustrated Like Birds in the Rain, Sam’s Dot Publications and (also self-illustrated) Night Smoke, with Bruce Boston, Kelp Queen Publications. Her self illustrated poetry collection, Artist of Antithesis, was nominated for a Bram Stoker award in 2004. Marge is former president of the Science Fiction Poetry Association and now serves as editor of Star*Line.

Marcia Borell raises monarchs. They are great models from eggs, to quarter-inch caterpillars that grow to 3 to 4 inch caterpillars that pupate into a jade green chrysalis, to the emerging adults. As she releases them she has discovered the cute
hummingbird moth, tiny bees, and the huge oil beetle.
She also loves snow and ice, water and sky, and rocks. She loves creating and editing images to tell a story.
Visit her website at: