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The Lorelei Signal

Edited by Carol Hightshoe

ISSN: 2158-6160


Welcome to the Jul - Sept '23 Issue of The Lorelei Signal

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Stories in this Issue:


Because of the disruption caused by my move from Colorado to Texas this is a double issue with the April and July stories.


by M.O. Bishop

Things on a piece of piece is rarely the same as the real world, and this also applies to things not on a sheet of paper.


by Mike Morgan

Malekim is the most famous sorcerer in the world, but she wants more—and she's willing to go to war to get it. The only problem is, who can she trust not to stab her in the back when she robs the source of all magic? Why, herself, of course; in fact, a whole army of herself...


by Roxana Arama

A mother who would do anything to save her young son’s life.

But first, she must learn what’s killing him. 


by Austin Worley

When she makes an unexpected discovery while on a mission for the Order of Watchers, Arlise Dun must reckon with the woman she once was and the woman she hopes to be.


by R. Jean Mathieu

Two women find themselves in the position to write Earth's epitaph...if they can get it out in the next few hours before the gamma ray burst scours Earth for good.


by Rachel Rodman

Alice pursues the White Rabbit (her evolutionary cousin), attends a tea party honoring a distant ancestor, and challenges a creationist queen.


by Gordon Sun

A physician faces hostility due to her willingness to treat supernatural beings, while harboring an unusual secret of her own.



by C.K. Butcher

Forena was born and raised for one purpose, to exact revenge on behalf of her mothers. This modern take on mythology challenges our preconceived notions of power, gods, and goddesses.


by Ray Daley

It's the kind of pub every adventurer goes in at least once.

Absolute chaos, until they arrive.


by Robert Dawson

Lauri's parents are the custodians of Pika, a ghost town in the far north.

Her only friend there is a girl who died before Lauri was born.

And it's Halloween...


by Andrew Rucker Jones

Young Lorraine Quincy Parks is at odds with her grandmother about attending a Black Lives Matter rally when she inadvertently summons a curious imp who may be able to help.


by Mary Jo Rabe

Julienne Fredricks makes herself unpopular while trying to keep the settlers on Mars safe. After she becomes popular, she can no longer keep them safe.


by Elana Gomel

Who would you rather be: the dragonslayer or the dragon?


by Avra Margariti



by Charles Kyffhausen

Greek plays, usually bad ones, end with a deus ex machina: a machine lowers an actor who portrays a god onto the stage to solve the mortals' problems. This time, however, only a mortal can save the world and the gods themselves.


by Carys Crossen

After giving birth to her first child, Heather realises that the magpies congregating in her garden are a threat to her baby. But how can she fight back against birds rumoured to be in league with the Devil?


by Jennifer Elise Wang



by Tracy Falenwolfe

With one bizarre job interview, mousy Evelyn Reid changes her life so she can change the world.


by Lisa Timpf



by Maureen Bowden

Odysseus returned to his wife Penelope after the Trojan war, but Homer got some of the details wrong.


by Pamela Love



by Mike Adamson

In a land before our history, the courageous fight to preserve the last vestiges of a lost empire in the face of raw, young peoples whose fury would tear down all that once was. A warrior-witch finds a new ally among those who would shun the cities, and cleave to wild nature as the only true home.


Note to readers:

The online magazine is free, no subscription fees.

However, we are hoping you will show your appreciation for the work that appears here by clicking on the donation button with each story page and making a donation to show you appreciate our work. 75% of all money received will be divided among the writers and artists - once the issue earns back the initial amounts paid out.

I pay the authors and artists out of pocket...
so your support is critical to keeping The Lorelei Signal online.

If we receive enough donations while the issue is up to cover the money already paid to the authors and artists, I will then take 75% of the remainder of the money and divide it between the authors and artists whose work appears in the issue. The rest goes toward other operating expenses for the magazine.

Please look for the donation buttons at the end of each story.


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No portion of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever

without the permission of the copyright holder.

All individual stories are copyrighted by their authors and all artwork is copyrighted by the artists.

This publication as a whole is copyrighted by WolfSinger Publications.

Thank you for respecting the writers and artists by respecting copyright.

The Lorelei Signal (ISSN: 2158-6160) is published quarterly, by WolfSinger Publications.
New issues are posted on the first Sunday of Jan, April, July, and Oct.

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